For the average American, Halloween costumes cost $28.65 in 2012. Not an exceedingly daunting number. However, there are people who are willing to pay much more.
The Quarter Mile 1968: Stepping out of the dorm building into the blistering cold, even three layers of jackets and four layers of socks is not enough to protect you. And it only gets worse as you see the end of the dorm side and the beginning of the long asphalt path ahead.
On the way back from a Rolling Stones concert in Canada, this is the last question the man driving through the border stop expected to hear. The guard had already double-checked his citizenship, so something must have caught his attention.
llustration by Emily Gage
This article was featured in the October print issue of Reporter Magazine.
Students often harp about RIT’s brick overdose. On more than one, two or three occasions, RIT has been listed as one of the least beautiful or downright ugliest campuses around.
You’ve got to admit, people at RIT stand out. And even within our ranks, there are people who are well known for anything from their unicycle to their daily donning of a My Little Pony hat.
“It’s not who I am underneath. It’s what I do that defines me.” In the 2005 film “Batman Begins” Bruce Wayne (Batman) discloses to his longtime friend his explanation for not revealing his identity. Batman, along with other superheroes, chooses to separate his identity from his actions because he does not want to have his after-hours activities affect his daily life.
Recently, the RIT community has seen an exponential growth in anonymous pages dedicated to complimenting, admiring and laughing with (or in some cases at) fellow students. Each has its own focus and each has pros and cons both for the readers and those who run the pages.
“Anonymity is really one of the hallmarks of the internet. A lot of people see it as one of the internet’s biggest strengths,” said Patrick Scanlon, chairman of the Department of Communications at RIT. Websites that highlight the internet’s capacity for promoting anonymity tend to provoke strong reactions from their users and readers alike.
“Generally registration has gone pretty smoothly. I mean obviously I don’t always get all the classes that I want or that I need. But just the biggest thing was that they didn’t offer the class I needed this quarter and since it’s a prerequisite to the other ones, that just caused issues,” explained second year Packaging Science major Morgan Moak.