
To the Editor: A Response to the Gender and Sexuality Issue
I have no problem with Reporter Magazine. During my time at RIT I found it a refreshing source of information about RIT and an alternative viewpoint as to what's going on around campus and in the Rochester area. I do, however, feel that the administration is justified in preventing the normal distribution of this issue during Imagine RIT, no matter the importance of the content. I also feel that this situation could have been handled better.
To the Editor: A Response to the Gender and Sexuality Issue
I'm very interested in getting a copy of this issue, and I understand that we need to spread information about this topic to everyone. So, that makes it reasonable to assume that Imagine RIT is a great place to do this. However, there are factors we need to consider. Open-minded parents will have no problem with the issue, and might grab a few copies for their children. Open discussion about these types of topics are generally welcome in those households.
To the Editor: A Response to the Gender and Sexuality Issue
I am a proud parent of an RIT student.  We spent many years teaching our children moral, religious and ethical values we believed were important for them to learn. By the time our children leave for college they have had a lifetime of living by our rules and examples. We have taught them as much as we can and we hope that when they arrive on campus, they have not forgotten the years of values we help to instill. Sexuality is a difficult topic for many people, young and old.