SG Update

At the April 25 Student Government (SG), Kevin McDonald gave a update on diversity statistics for the campus, potential changes to the Student conduct policy were presented, bylaw changes were approved and a discussion about future bus service efforts was held.

Diversity and Inclusion Update

Kevin McDonald, vice president of diversity and inclusion, presented earlier in the year to SG about the current state of diversity within the university. He has returned to give an update based on the same four areas he focused on before: access and success, campus climate and intergroup relations, education and scholarship and institutional infrastructure.

The ALANNA community has been steadily growing throughout the year. Gender has been somewhat stagnant; though the female population has been rising, the male population has been growing in tandem  to it. Retention and persistence in both groups is also being monitored. McDonald is looking into more diversity in the university’s staff and additional efforts in the strategic plan.

Proposed changes to Policy D18: Student Conduct Process

Joe Johnston, director of the Center for Student Conduct, and Jessica Ecock, associate director of the Center for Student Conduct, presented changes for the student conduct process. A committee has been overlooking the policy and comparing it to peer institutions and offices on campus.

The goals for the changes were to make it more legible for students with simpler language, to keep it in line with federal guidelines and to maintain a clearer conduct process with shorter appeal times. Some of the major changes include the removal of the one-time use of the “Good Samaritan” policy which now includes the use of drugs, along with more educative and restorative code violations and removal of intent of appeals.

 SG has endorsed the policy which will now be looked over by the Academic Senate and is to be voted on during the May 7 Institute Council meeting. The policy, if voted in, will take effect by next academic year.

Proposed bylaw changes Appendix A: Finance Committee

Ashley Carrington, director of finance, presented the updated appendix A that was tabled from last week. It was passed by SG.