Beyond the Bricks Week of 1/22
by Rei Nagaoka | published Jan. 22nd, 2018
Wendell Castle dies at 85
In the City Newspaper of Rochester he had said, “There is no reason [and] no continuity or logic” in his work. H
His inspiration came from things he saw in his youth, ranging from the benign image of a wooden duck he saw in a magazine to the warping of wheels on an accelerating car. Everything he designed started as a freestyle drawing on rag paper.
“I obey only my own instincts, which often I do not understand myself. I often draw things I do not understand, but am secure in the knowledge that they may at some point become clear and meaningful,” Wendell once wrote for an exhibit he did at RIT.
Castle's contributions to the world of American craft are unparalleled, and he will certainly be missed.
The NSA Deletes Surveillance Data it Pledged to Preserve
The NSA deleted surveillance data in connection with pending lawsuits for warrantless wiretapping of American digital and telecommunications ordered by former President George W. Bush.
In court the NSA revealed that backup tapes for this data were also purged in 2009, 2011 and 2016. David Greene, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is leading the lawsuit against the NSA on behalf of the American citizens.
This information came into light after President Donald Trump renewed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which allows the U.S. to spy on foreigners overseas.
New York Police Department "Predictive Policing" Documents Ordered to be Released
Information transparency advocates, with the support of a Manhattan judge, ordered the New York Police Department (NYPD) to release documents that outlines their predictive policing crime forecasting surveillance technology. The litigation process began after The Brennan Center of Justice from New York filed a lawsuit against New York City.
NYPD often refuses to release records upon request of the press and the public. In the last few years, multiple lawsuits have been filed for the release of information on the department's use of surveillance cameras, x-ray scanners and facial recognition technology.
25 percent of stop-and-frisk encounter data is young African American men, who are only 1.9 percent of New York City’s population. The Human Rights Data Analysis Group states that the danger of this technology is that it relies on historical data that reflects an outdated racial bias, targeting people of low social and economic standing and people of color.