As we stand up for our reproductive and contraceptive rights, we need to remember to also stand beside the transgender community in the face of the coming United States medical policy changes.
In a world more and more concerned with the health issues surrounding tobacco, the industry is forced to come up with new ways to market their products, — not all of which are noble.
As a Republican watching the final stages of this election, the hate we've let fester inside our party, as well as the growing need to denounce Donald J Trump has become much more painfully apparent..
A different way of electing government officials would allow the people to have more say.
Putting too much power in the hands of a community can have severe consequences.
Educators have one of the most pivotal roles in society. It's about time we started treating them that way.
International relations are not a zero-sum game, and cultural diversity makes the country a more interesting, better place to live.
In recent years, Hollywood has been accused of misrepresenting audiences. Studios are suffering from a lack of diversity.
Native American groups are protesting the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline. It's about time we listened to them.
Mylan recently bumped up the price of a life-saving medicine. What does this price change say about our society?
University of Texas students display dildos to protest concealed carry on campus.
In an era of binge-watching lethargy, we must make the better choice and get out there while we can.
Getting around a city can be intimidating if you're not used to it, especially if you don't have a car. This guide will help you get around to discover new and interesting places.
A law in many states allows a perpetrator of a felony to be held responsible for any murder that occurs during that felony.
Credit cards are an outdated method of payment in the modern age. While security on these little plastic cards has improved, it is far from perfect.
There is a truly undervalued importance in "think pieces," easily the most derided form of writing that exists today.
How much are your body parts worth? Depending on what state you live in, the answer to that question changes drastically.
Older feminists think young women should vote for Hillary Clinton simply because she's a woman. I strongly disagree.
Whether the Fine Brothers were being greedy or just misunderstood, the React World fiasco exposed the lessons YouTube needs to learn.
Cartoons have long been a tool for creators to tell larger than life stories...
Medical advertising is just a way to influence consumers who don't have a medical education, when in reality they should just be listening to the advice of their doctor.
Recently, the CDC released a report stating that women who are not on hormonal birth control should refrain from drinking alcohol...
President Obama recently made extensive prison reforms in order to restore one of our nation's core principles.
What many fans don't know is that using the same characters from a series in their own work and publishing it under their own name violates the original content's copyright protection...
Nostalgia is usually considered a feeling of fond remembrance, but sometimes we remember things as better than they actually were. When we compare that to how things are now, it causes negative feelings that are based solely in self-deception...
Bisexuality is as real as heterosexuality and homosexuality are, yet people still refuse to accept it.
Recent unfortunate events have caused an uproar on social media. While the angry masses work out their frustration by retweeting everything they can, what effect does all of this have on the possibility of preventing future attacks?
With Thanksgiving right in our rearview, it's time to reflect on good family, good friends and good food...
There are over 1.5 million non-profit charity organizations in the United States all trying to support those in need — or at least that's what they're supposed to be doing.
It's that time of year again. Stores and shops are abuzz with holiday fever and those who shout about the "war on Christmas" have picked their next victim — Starbucks.