Even if you’re only a first-year student, you’ve probably been in Rochester long enough to have heard of the garbage plate. Much of the rest of America has, too, in fact. It’s been featured on The Food Network show “Unwrapped” in the episode called “Funny Foods” and Jon Stewart has mentioned it on “The Daily Show.” Even US Airways once highlighted it in an issue of their inflight magazine. The world is no stranger to this strange food. But do you know the history of the garbage plate?
“The name speaks for itself. It’s a gut-buster of all sorts of carb loaded and fatty foods including the iconic meat sauce.”
“The name speaks for itself,” said Bilzerian. “It’s a gut-buster of all sorts of carb-loaded and fatty foods including the iconic meat sauce. It’s tasteful and perfect for that rainy day, but as with everything unhealthy, should only be consumed in moderation or it’ll give you severe health complications in the future. Of all foods, Rochester chose a plate of all sorts of unhealthy things, but I have seen some vegetarian spin-offs lately at some other local restaurants.”
The garbage plate may be rich, but it also has a rich history and the power to bring people together.
Antonio Alvarado is a sophomore at UR majoring in Health, Behavior, and Society and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
“Garbage plates are very monumental to the Rochester community and so SigEp thought it would be a really interesting idea to incorporate the garbage plate in a run,” he said. Though saddened that the run no longer occurs, he looks forward to perhaps starting a new community charity event someday.
Clearly, the plate is about more than just satisfying late-night cravings.
So, wherever life takes you, know that you can be proud that you are or were once a part of Rochester and the vibrant history of the garbage plate. After almost 40 years this dish has risen to become a household name in Rochester and the surrounding areas. Whether it be a late-night snack, an extremely filling lunch to last you until tomorrow or something for when you just can’t decide what to eat, you can’t go wrong with a garbage plate. It’s safe to say that people will be hungry for plates for years to come.