SG Staff Introductions
Nathan Castle, a second year Computer Science major and the Director of Services for Student Government introduced the SG Staff to Senate. They are:
- Colum McGaley, a third year Computer Science student as the Systems Administrator
- James Reilly, a third year Computer Science student as the Senior Web Developer
- Farhaat Shaukat, a fourth year Photography student as the SG Photographer
- Brandon Edquist, a third year Graphic Design student as the Graphic Designer
- Jackie Caceres, a second year Illustration student as the other Graphic Designer
Global Committee Approval
Castle introduced the SG Global Coordinating Committee. The committee would have one student member each from the RIT International Campuses, which include Dubai, Kosovo, Zagreb and Dubrovnik and one from RIT’s main campus. The committee would:
- Develop a plan for connecting SG at each campus
- Identify services and advocacy models that can be duplicated at international campuses
- Identify opportunities for cross-campus collaboration
- Develop a plan for unifying communication, documentation and process tools
- Develop a collaboration guide identifying cultural differences at each campus
- Create a report on best practices for international student governance at other universities
The potential senators for Women’s and Freshman Senators presented their platforms, talked and answered questions to run for their position. The new senators that the SG senate chose were Nicole Howley, a first year Science, Tech, Public Policy graduate student as Women’s Senator, Michael Foust, a fourth year Packaging Science major as the Cross-Registered Senator and Sumin Oh, a first year Industrial Design major as freshman senator. Howley had previously been the Women’s Senator.