Do these dildos make you uncomfortable?
Eight states have legislation that allows licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. New York, thankfully, isn't one of them. However, Texas is, as of Aug. 1, 2016. University of Texas (UT) student Jessica Jin started a protest against the law. It wasn't just any protest though. This one brought attention to the concealed carry debate in a new and novel way.
“Texas is so sensitive about [dildos] that they’ve written laws crushing that here and there, however, they continue to write laws that advocate violence, perpetuate violence, condone violence, and are apologetic for violence,” said Jin, quoted in the Texas Monthly.
Instead of protesting with just signs and marches, UT students are making waves by protesting with absurdity. On Aug. 24, 2016, their first day of class, thousands of dildos donated from local sex shops were distributed to students and carried around campus. Protesting in such a manner brought more attention to a cause. Carrying dildos to class can make some people uncomfortable — just as the concealed carry law makes some feel.
Allowing concealed weapons onto college campuses is a dangerous law. Students are subjected to unhealthy amounts of stress and are surrounded by alcohol and drugs. None of these mix well with easy access to firearms.
Some argue that carrying firearms can make you safer, to protect against threats such as the one Jin received.
“In general, and especially if you have a dildo, you’re gonna get raped,” was a common threat Jin said she heard. “And the only thing to stop that from happening is if you have a gun. And you’re gonna wish you had a gun.”
I mean, maybe we could just, like, not rape people. But sure, okay, theoretically a gun could help in that situation.
I mean, maybe we could just, like, not rape people.
Let's not forget about mass shootings either — guns can definitely help in those cases. Those carrying a weapon can help defend innocent people and definitely not possibly accidentally shoot bystanders/victims, confuse police, or just run away like a rational human being.
For police with extensive training, the hit rate during gunfights was only 18 percent, according to TIME magazine. Now imagine how that statistic could change when you're dealing with lightly trained civilians who are unused to the intensity of battle. We shouldn't rely on civilians with weapons to protect ourselves, because that isn't fair or reliable.
The reason this protest is so notable is not just because their opinion is a common one or that this issue is a very touchy subject for America. The reason this protest matters is because it's fresh and new. It makes a different argument in a different way.
Do these dildos make you uncomfortable? — the protests ask. Because that's how guns make us feel.
A conservative gun rights advocate saw this funny way of protesting and thought he would one-up them by creating a disturbingly horrifying portrayal of a dildo-brandishing protester being shot by a burglar. Because that's how to get across the point that guns are great and people should have them.
Maybe that's not how to make a statement. Maybe, instead, we should cause people to laugh and think.