When Student Government (SG) President Paul Darragh, a third year Software Engineer and Vice President Nick Cifranic, a third year Information Security and Forensics major, ran for office they had a list of major goals they wanted to accomplish before the end of their term. The list included a bike sharing program, convincing more professors to use myCourses and other minor goals such as videotaping some classes. Reporter met with Darragh to find out where the President and Vice President stand on these goals and what they plan to do for the rest of the academic year.
The bike share program is expected to start on March 31 with 20 bikes available for students to use. SG will be working with the cycling club’s repair shop, providing space in the SAU for the bikes and expanding the club’s maintenance efforts. Unlike traditional bike share programs, where bikes can be switched seamlessly from person to person in a variety of areas, Darragh describes this as more like a “bike library.”
“With a bike library it’s similar to checking out a book. It’s assigned to one person until they return it to its original location,” said Darragh. Checking out bikes will be done in the area office, which is located in the basement of the SAU. SG will also be working with Residential Life to station bikes in Gleason quad. Darragh stated that the program will remain under the control of SG with no plans to transfer it over to the Institute, allowing students to take control and build upon the program at their own pace.
Of the original list of plans, some were adjusted or scrapped altogether. For example, the videotaping of classes was discarded once costs and benefits of the program were calculated. With RIT’s current $800 million deficit due to the semester conversion, Darragh stated that it would be too costly to invest at this point when students have various alternatives online. The two have not made much progress in increasing the use of myCourses by professors but it is something they have not forgotten.
Some future plans include partnering with Campus Carriers for student storage. Right now the idea is that Campus Carriers would charge on a per-item basis and provide pick-up and packing services. Darragh and Cifranic also hope to start-up “Lunch with SG” for students to speak with SG members on a casual basis and possibly provide ideas for future endeavors.
As always, Darragh and Cifranic are open to ideas from students and encourage anyone to e-mail or talk to them or the other SG members about their concerns or ideas to improve the campus. SG general meetings are open to the public and are located in the SAU in the Bamboo Room every Friday from 1-3 p.m.