
Three petitions were charged. Two were charged to Facilities Parking and Transportation (FPAT) committee, including a petition asking for students living in Province and Park Point to have campus parking passes and another asking to let students park where they live for free. The first charge will look into providing shuttle busses or reliable transportation at night. The latter will try to educate the student body on their parking options, as well as research the costs of allowing all students living on campus to park for free.

A third petition asking for skin bleaching products to be removed from Sol’s Underground was charged to ALANA Collegiate Association (ACA). This charge aims to research the product's original purpose. Student perspectives will also be gathered to ensure that the product is not targeting students of color.

Several petitions were given responses.

One PawPrint asked to keep orange as RIT’s primary color. Its response clarified that orange still is the university’s primary color, there were just more colors added to create a wider range of options.

Another response was given to a petition asking that departments not be forced to change their logo.

"Although [departments] will be using the lock-ups, the goal is to be more creative ... So, if they have a shirt, they have the lock-up and then have the rest of the shirt to design. They’re not worrying about how they can relate to that same logo they had ... Now using RIT’s new logo, they can do [more of what] they want,” said Larry Williams III, director of student relations and third year Marketing major.

Next up, in a string of PawPrints that question RIT's recent rebranding, is a petition asking "Let's try rebranding all over again." Its response discussed the research behind the branding change. It also stated that rebranding is a process done by all companies as they progress.

A petition with similar distaste for the brand change asked to "change Ritchie’s new look." A response was given clarifying that Ritchie was not changed, just new versions were created. Also, the body of Ritchie has been taken away since it received much criticism from students.

Taking a different route in the student body's rebranding discourse is a petition asking to change RIT’s tagline to “Greatness Through Difference.” Its response explains that RIT has no official tagline. The university uses different sayings as a marketing technique and each has a different purpose.

Finally, a response was given to a petition asking to extend bus schedules for late night classes. It stated that bus schedules are now updated and clarified that buses are already provided for students late at night. 

Sustainability Committee Report

A purchasing survey will soon be sent out by Sustainability Committee on Facebook. The responses gathered from students will help to implement sustainable efforts for clubs on campus. The survey will close on Dec. 1, 2018.