Word of the Week:

Agglutinate (verb): to form words

Just because Greg added the suffix, -ish, to everything didn’t mean he was agglutinating new words.

Quote of the Week:

“If you want to be me, be me. If you want to be you, be you.” – by Cat Stevens

Stream of Facts:

In the movie “The Big Lebowski,” The Dude says the word “man” 147 times in the film, or about 1.5 times every minute.

The Chicago Tribune had a 40-year-long crusade from 1934 to 1975 to simplify the spelling of American English. A word such as phantom was rendered as fantom in this pursuit. Bigwigs of the era like Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain and even John D. Rockefeller encouraged this change.

There is always a change in the mystery flavor of Dum Dum Lolipops. Each mystery lolly is made with a mixture of two flavors from the last batch and the next, ensuring the flavor is always different.

Veteran mystery writer Agatha Christie became enveloped in a mystery of her own when she disappeared without a trace in 1926 for 11 days. Many thought her unfaithful husband was the perpetrator.

Mixtape Therapy: Semester Time

We're nearly finished with the semester! Here some tracks to keep you going!

Listen to them here!

  • “Faust Arp” by Radiohead:  The wonderful combo of dreamy guitar, string accompaniment and hypnotic vocals tends to get you in your Zen place fairly easy. 
  • “The Court of the Crimson King” by King Crimson: Keeping the dreamy vibe going, the sort of surreal lyrics intermixed really interesting flute, guitar and organ parts make it a really enjoyable track.
  • “Think Different feat. Substantial” by Nujabes: A master of unique hip hop beats, Nujabes backing beats and Substantial’s abrasive but poignant commentary on the state of rap is refreshing and is a must listen track.
  • “Exploding Threat” by The Revengineers: Chiptune with an incredible beat accompanied by a rock band. Need I say more?
  • “You” by Mustard Plug: Trumpets in harmony, average Joe vocals about heartbreak and that classic ska rhythm. Sure to perk up anyone listening.
  • “Headphone Children” by the Backhorn: Completely out of left field but is an impressive Japanese track with powerful vocals, harmonica and guitar wrapped together in a reggae rhythm.
  • “Luno” by Bloc Party: A gruff but excellent indie rock track, the pulsating bass and consistent drum parts in tandem with the vocals make for an energy filled tune that really gets you in the zone.
  • “Saving Grace” by Crash Kings: Lead by a menacing piano and driven by booming vocals, this track is a great send-off to this mixtape.