Cookbook/ Semen Based Recipes

4.5/5 stars

Salty or sweet, Rochester is rediscovering what is perhaps the world’s most underappreciated cooking ingredient. With millions of gallons produced every year in homes across America, this ingredient is abundant, safe and too-often wasted. Of course, I’m talking about semen and the hit recipe book, Natural Harvest, that’s taking the world by storm.  Photenhauer’s wildly successful cookbook has inspired millions of chefs, but does it live up to the hype?

Like many ingredients, semen has an unfortunate history of being taboo. The book’s opening is dedicated to expressing the benefits of semen and why it should be an ingredient on every American family’s dinner table saying “Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a palatable texture and wonderful cooking properties.” It would be a shame if people were turned off by semen’s reputation. Fortunately, Natural Harvest excels at selling its enticing recipes.

When you’ve overcome the hesitation of cooking with semen, the next hurdle is acquiring it. Unfortunately, conservative food chains have yet to stock this ingredient. Nevertheless, Photenhauer guides you through the process of sourcing your semen. Men in particular will benefit from strategies for maximizing volume, improving flavor through dietary changes and storing semen long term. Some critics have questioned the ethics of consuming semen, as many women find themselves incapable of acquiring the ingredient. Photonhauer’s strategies for storage and transport, like regularly depositing semen in a container in the freezer, should alleviate those concerns.

When you get into the meat of the book, you’ll find a collection of titillating recipes and exotic flavors. The book’s collection of mouth-watering drinks, climactic desserts and hearty dishes is inviting to new and experienced chefs alike. Unfortunately, the selection of recipes is quite limited, with only a few appetizers, drinks, desserts and entrees. This book is an appetizing introduction to the world of semen, but the availability of recipes outside of this book is limited.

Although Natural Harvest’s recipes will have you begging for more, it’s not without its faults. Unlike many cookbooks, the pages aren’t laminated. One can imagine spilling the ingredients on its pages would be a disaster to clean (tip: shaving cream works wonderfully if you spill some “cream” on your clothes). Also, the binding of the book is a little weak. This is disappointing for a book that should be used on a daily basis.

Overall, Natural Harvest is a pleasing and innovative cookbook. With its recipes gracing the tables of five star restaurants and Gracie’s alike, maybe it’s time for you to join in on the fun. Only minor physical faults hold back this otherwise stunning book. This book is a must-have, especially if you regularly cook for others.