Moving onto campus for the first time is a big milestone. For some, you’ll be learning to share common space with complete strangers. For others, having to share with your siblings has prepared you for splitting a room with one, two or even three other people.
Your dorm room should be as close to a sanctuary as it can get. This is the place you should be able to go and relax, have a friend or two over or be studious. Sometimes, though, there’s more stress associated with keeping your personal space up to standards. But relax — it’s your space for a reason.
While the Association of Psychological Science will argue messy rooms aren’t all that bad, their studies have proven a clean room has long-term benefits.
Not sure where to begin when it comes to keeping up with your space? No problem! Let me tell you the basics.
- Do your laundry! You don’t need to do it every spare moment, but you really don’t want it taking over your room nor making your space reek. Let it collect for two weeks, max.
- Keep things clean! Try tidying up if you notice your space is beginning to get a little hectic. I can’t tell you how often I’ve pulled a Taz the Tasmanian Devil trying to make my room look semi-decent for people coming over.
- Give everything a specific location! I can’t stress how beneficial it is for you to put stuff back where you normally keep it. You will never be questioning where things disappeared to if you put it in its designated spot. I know I personally have a mini panic attack if something’s not where I always leave it.
- Storage is your friend! RIT unfortunately gives you limited space for your things. So keep around the tote you brought stuff to school in. Invest in one or two plastic drawers. Get storage crates and bins that match the color scheme of your room. Also, what’s cool is a lot of storage can easily be moved into other storage.
- Add a personal touch! Show off those photos of your friends and family. Bring some of your favorite video games. Accent your room with your favorite color. Nothing better helps your mental state than feeling at home, and not everyone can make the trek home whenever needed. Be sure you have a little piece of you to feel comfortable and to de-stress.
Now, these might not work for every person. I know it took me a while to figure out how to keep everything in order. But give these a shot! You’ve got four or five years to adjust your own sense of organization.
During my senior year, there were still times I would go back home, but for the opposite reason — my room had become too relaxed and comfy and I needed a place to focus. But you should never feel out of sorts in your dorm room.