SG Update

At the October 11 Student Government (SG) meeting, SG made a final decision about the Soap co-op that was presented in last week’s meeting. They also discussed the Horton Speaker for Brick City Weekend.

Soap Co-op Approval

SG has approved the Soap Co-op Program which was created by the Director of Student Relations, Tristan Wright, a fourth year ASL-English Interpreting major. The items being voted on were funds for the promotion of the program, assistance with infrastructure and help from SG with setting up the pilot program this spring. The goal of the program is to give students the opportunity to buy items at a reduced cost by purchasing them in bulk through outside companies. The project will also encourage reducing waste by implementing a refill system and the use of eco-friendly products. There is no set date on when trial sign-ups will begin but the trial run is expected to start sometime in spring 2014, according to Wright. The vote was 16-0-2 in favor of the project.

Horton Speaker

On October 12 SG’s own Director of Programming Lauren Brockbank, a fourth year Marketing major, planned this year’s Horton Speaker for Brick City Weekend. Mike Kelly, a well-known astronaut, and Gabrielle Giffords, a former congresswoman who was shot in January, 2011. During the meeting, SG finalized the plans for this event.