It’s hard to be motivated to get off campus to check out events and activities when you’re dirt poor. We get it. But you can’t spend your entire 4–5 years on campus picking lint off the pennies in your pocket! Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best deals out there for
1. Have an AT&T phone or TV/internet plan? Use your phone number or TV/internet account for buy one-get-one-free tickets to the movies on Tuesdays as part of their “Ticket Twosdays” program. Are Tuesdays a bad day for you? Check out Movies 10 on West Henrietta Road any day of the week: you can buy tickets for the low price of $3.
2. For the caffeine addicts out there: bring your own mug the next time you hit up Java’s or Beanz! Most coffee shops and cafes — both chains and independent locations — knock a few cents off the price of a cup if you have a reusable mug. Starbucks gives you a 10-cent discount which may seem insignificant, but if you’re drinking coffee every day, you could save almost $40 over an entire year. Environmentally and economically responsible, how ’bout that?
3.Visit the Memorial Art Gallery for half-price admission every Thursday from 5–9 p.m.
5. Take advantage of your student ID to be eligible for the discounted rates at Bowl-A-Roll on Sunday and Monday nights. The Jefferson Road bowling alley’s “College Nights” start at 9 p.m. and last until closing at midnight; students pay $1 for shoe rental and $1 for each game. Additionally, hot dogs are $1 and soda is $0.50.
7. Students with Bank of America or Merrill Lynch credit or debit cards can get serious perks at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, Syracuse’s Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology (MOST) or the Buffalo Museum of Science. Just present your card and a valid photo ID on the first full weekend of every month and receive one free general admission.
8. Forget the ZipCar! As long as you can make it to U of R, either by Uber/Lyft, public transportation or a generous friend, then the world (Rochester) is your oyster. Pick up a