The other day, I saw someone ask if there was any possible way that RIT’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) would see them again. The student met the “quota” of their psychologist appointments and still needed more help. They were struggling to find someone outside of RIT who could continue to meet with them and assist them as needed.
I seem to remember a large push in improving student psychological services a few years back. I am curious what came of the money set aside for these upgrades, as they have not seemed to have been demonstrated to the student body. Putting a cap on CAPS and turning students away who are reaching out for help is terrifying. For a university which claims to care for its student population, where are the money and resources going besides new tunnels, balloons and a track? Why is tuition increasing drastically every year, financial aid decreasing and yet still, students’ requests are not being met?
This is a lot scarier than any ghost story, and the real thing we should be keeping an eye on this Halloween season.