Student Government Email
Sara Bayerl, Applications Administrator and Business Analyst for Student Affairs, gave a brief presentation regarding how senators can connect with their constituents through email. Bayerl stressed the opportunity that Student Government (SG) has to communicate with everyone on campus. She recommends that SG take the time to hone its two university-wide emails per week into powerful statements. Bayerl also recommends that SG create a system to coordinate emails within SG as to not overload RIT’s email server.
SG gave Christina Nguyen, committee head of Academics and Co-ops, an award for going above and beyond the call of duty. SG gave Janessa Morelli, College of Liberal Arts senator, the “SG-er” of the month award. SG also gave the Representative Student Organization of the month award to ALANA Collegiate Association. Lastly, SG presented the coveted SG Adviser of the Month award to Dave Bagley, assistant vice president for the Center for Campus Life.
SG confirmed Emily Mahoney as the new Director of Programming. She is a former SG senator and is a Chemistry major.
Josephine Bensa, director of Student Relations, recommended giving the Six Sigma Certification For MMET Department charge to the College of Engineering Technology senator. The charge concerned the coveted Six Sigma Green Belt certification that some Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology (MMET) Department professors offer for their students. The certification is so coveted that students from other colleges desire to take the course as well. But due to seat limitations, the course hasn’t been open to students of other colleges. The charge wants to resolve the hold placed on the certification. The motion passed.
Christina Nguyen, head of the Academics and Co-Ops Committee, presented the second charge. She recommended that the charge, Provide Adobe Creative Cloud Licenses For Students, be resolved. This old charge asks for RIT to give Adobe Creative Cloud access to all of its students, in a similar manner to how RIT includes Microsoft Office 365 as a part of tuition. SG had concerns that the charge was not ready to be settled. SG voted to table the response until the following week’s meeting.