Wellness classes are great and we have tons of ways to stay fit on campus. But for those of you looking to venture out into the Rochester area for your exercise needs, we’ve compiled some noteworthy events you should check out.
Running Fanatics
For all of you who enjoy a good run, there will be a variety of running events taking place across the city.
If you’re looking to dabble in a new style of racing, look no further. An organization known as Moon Joggers has begun constructing running races you participate in virtually. They present a themed challenge and it’s up to you to see it through. For example, starting on Saturday Sept. 2, there will be an event known as Smile Run (or Walk) 5K and 10K. This will be the organization’s third time hosting the event which is an effort to raise awareness for Suicide Prevention. This year the race is dedicated to Diane E. Chitty who passed away on Sept. 3, 2011. All participants have to do is set a finishing time to complete their 5K or 10K and then dedicate their run/walk to Diane and/or anyone else they prefer to. Moon Joggers will be donating a portion of the proceeds to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
As of today, the organization has raised over $300,000 for different charities thanks to these inspiring and creative running events. And if you don’t mind participating in virtual challenges such as the Smile Run (or Walk), Moon Joggers sponsors several other “virtual races” such as Hobbit Day 5K on Friday Sept. 22, Dashing Divas 5K and 10K on Wednesday Sept. 27, Cat Day 5K on Sunday Oct. 29, and Cinderfella — The Bearded Princess 5K & 10K on Wednesday Nov. 1.
However, if you are looking for something a little more structured and traditional, don’t worry. There will be a few traditional races you can partake in.
Tunnel to Towers 5K Run and Walk is an event that takes place all over the country. The event was created to honor Stephen Siller, a firefighter of the FDNY who lost his life on Sept. 11, 2001. Siller ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel to the Twin Towers, returning to duty after his shift had already ended to try and help after receiving word of the first plane hitting the towers. The event will take place in Durand Eastman Beach Park starting at 9 a.m. Registration closes on Wednesday Sept. 6. The fee is $25 up until the day of the race when the price increases to $30. You can also sign up to volunteer.
On Sunday Sept. 17, the annual Rochester Marathon will be taking place downtown. The Rochester Marathon is a Boston Marathon qualifier. It is a 26.2-mile race through the historic northern part of the city beginning at 7:30 a.m. There will be free shuttle service from the parking area next to the finish line (Frontier Field) up to the start line (Maplewood Park). Registration was open throughout the summer, but if you’re just returning to Rochester, you can still register up until Race Day. From Aug. 14 to Sept. 10, you can register for $110. After Sept. 10, the price increases to $120. For people who might see the marathon as a bit of a challenge, there will also be a half marathon on Sunday with a cap of 2,400 participants, the option of a marathon relay, or a simple 5K on Saturday Sept. 16 that will allow participants to run on the Inner Loop.
Save the date for MCC Foundation’s 11th annual 5K Run/Walk for Scholarships on Saturday Oct. 7. Karen Shaw, the alumni and annual giving coordinator shared a little more information about the event.
“Every year we get a little bit bigger,” said Shaw. “We started out with maybe twenty people attending. We had over 550 racers last year. We had another 200 people support the event through donations but they didn’t necessarily participate physically in the walk/run.”
Last year, MCC Foundation was able to raise around $28,500 for the scholarships. This year, their goal is $30,000. During the tailgate lunch portion after the race, a scholarship drawing takes place and five current MCC students are awarded scholarships.
“It’s a family-friendly event,” Shaw said. She mentioned that there would be a family fun run available where families participate in a short walk as well as events such as face-painting, fun carnival-style games, rock climbing, a zumba warm up and a photo booth. All ages are welcome. So if you’re looking for a group activity and to support fellow college students, consider registering for MCC’s event.
Healthy Fun
If running isn’t your forté, there are also plenty of other fun events going on that you can check out.
A noteworthy event would be the annual Swain Swamp Stomp and Obstacle Course on Sept. 9. The event takes place at the Swain Resort in Swain, N.Y. It features over 16 obstacle courses across the stretch of four miles. This is a perfect event if you’re looking to get down and dirty. There is also the possibility of it becoming an annual tradition as the course is redesigned every year. Until Sept. 8, you can register for a price of $59 per person. On the day of the event, the price goes up to $79. One free drink is included with your registration at the after party, so drag your friends along.
Eventbrite allows you to see the schedules and details for all sport and fitness events occurring in and around Rochester. However, another great source for looking for healthy events to attend is Facebook, a feature that is gaining more attention. You can see events happening near you and even gauge events that your friends are attending.
For additional inquiries about any kind of events going on in Rochester, a great source of information would be the Rochester First website: www.rochesterfirst.com.