In lieu of a traditional Rings page, Distorter invites you to try and complete some of the more interesting Rings that we’ve received.
There’s nothing worse than a ______ that’s had work done.
A. garbage truck
B. daffodil
C. jaguar
D. sex doll
Toontown is _______, the RPG.
A. insanity
B. anti-bullying
C. anarchy
D. socialism
On a scale of one to ten fuck offs, it’s not ________.
A. raining hard
B. okay to lick my spoon
C. more annoying than Nicki Minaj
D. the last time
There’s a disproportionate amount of _____ in this room.
A. history buffs
B. orange Hawaiian Punch
C. golf
D. goats
Nobody can ___________, not even my mom.
A. handle this weed
B. forge my signature
C. learn to love me
D. make a good casserole
It’s hip to fuck ______.
A. in tanning booths
B. bees
C. Mitt Romney
D. a three-day-old ham sandwich
Answer Key: B, D, A, C, B, B